
New server & Android app

You probably heard some sound checks or maybe had some disconnections last weekend, when we managed to change our server. Finaly, we have something big to work on and we also have to thank two guys who helped with configuring the machine and the website: Dragos and Eugen. Without them, Lounge Avenue | Chillout Radio couldn’t have evolved so nicely.

Also, our Android app is coming to a Play Store near you very very soon and we have plans for an iOS app to be developed next month.

Don’t forget to check out our Request feature. Ask for a song and wait to listen to it on Lounge Avenue.


Plans to move the server

Our testing period is almost over so we need to move our server in a professional data center, which will require a change in our DNS. If you are listening Lounge Avenue through an audio player, desktop or mobile, you will need our DNS in order to be able to play it after the move. We will publish here all the information you need. If you are listening only on our website, no action is required.

And don’t forget to give us feedback.